First Post!
I just saw on the Daily Ray of Hope email from the Sierra Club the quote from Rainer Maria Rilke:
“And now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been. “
It is now 1/1/2018, a brand New Year and many have their New Year’s resolutions to do something, be it losing weight, exercising more, eating healthier or spending more time with family and friends.
Well, mine is different. I am not interested in writing the “Great American Novel” or climb Mount Everest but become a professional photographer. Someone will think, why do you think you can “make it”.
My goal is to perfect my skills and become a much better photographer to the point that it will earn some recognition and money. Those are lofty goals but they may be achievable by studying, doing, working and reevaluating. I believe in the Japanese concept of “kaizen” which means that you keep working hard and continuously evaluate and improve whatever you are working on.
I wish you all a successful, happy, healthy and productive 2018!
May your journey lead you to personal and professional fulfillment!